Releasing Emotional Trauma Stored in the Pelvis - Ruth Health

Releasing Emotional Trauma Stored in the Pelvis

The pelvis is an area where we commonly store emotional trauma, tension, and stress. This occurs when intense emotions and hormones that occur at the time of trauma create an imprint on cellular tissues. Storing trauma in the body can lead to long-term conditional responses by the body, and can increase with a build-up of these intense emotions and stress hormones. This can lead to physical discomfort, pain, and even chronic disease. Releasing this stored trauma is essential for our physical and emotional well-being. Let’s discuss some of the most beneficial ways to free emotional trauma stored in the pelvis.


Breathwork is one of the most supportive ways to release emotional tension and trauma stored in the pelvis. It involves using specific breathing techniques to increase the flow of vital nutrients to the body while releasing tension and stress. Breathwork can help you access deeper levels of relaxation and inner peace, which can aid in the release of stored trauma.

Breathwork increases oxygen and blood flow, as well as synovial fluid to the pelvic area. This can help to release tension, stress, and challenging emotions that have been stored in the pelvis. Breathwork also helps to calm the somatic and autonomic nervous systems, which can further aid in the release of stored trauma and stress hormones, allowing your body to better co-regulate itself.

Trigger point therapy

Trigger point therapy is another effective way to release emotional trauma stored in the pelvis. This therapy involves applying pressure to specific points in the pelvic area to release tension and promote healing. Trigger point therapy can help you release pent-up emotions, reduce pain, and improve your overall well-being.

Somatic release exercises

Somatic release involves doing specific exercises designed to support your somatic nervous system and release stress hormones. Somatic release work can be incredibly beneficial to aid in releasing trauma stored in the body. Here’s an exercise you can try at home:

  1. Lay on your back on a firm, but supportive surface, such as a hardwood or tile floor with a rug or yoga mat. 
  2. Coordinating your breath with movement, begin by inhaling deeply through your nose while tensing and gripping the muscles in your hands and feet.
  3. Release the tension while exhaling through pursed lips, like blowing air through a straw.
  4. Repeat for a total of 5 times to start.
  5. To build intensity, begin to tense the muscles in the arms and legs as well, engaging more muscles with each repetition. You can begin to deepen your practice by holding onto opposite shoulders, hugging yourself, or even drawing knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them.
  6. At the end of each somatic release session, finish lying relaxed on the floor (or in a comfortable seated position), breathing deeply with closed eyes.

What if I’m not ready?

If you do not feel are not ready to release emotional trauma trapped in the pelvis, it is important to seek support from a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. They can help you work through any emotional blocks or resistance you may be experiencing and guide you in the process of releasing stored trauma in a safe and supportive way. A doula can also help to navigate emotional trauma and come up with a game plan. Although doulas are not therapists, they can also provide emotional support and strategy for healing.

We’re here to help

Releasing emotional trauma stored in the pelvis is essential for our physical and emotional well-being. Our team of compassionate, knowledgeable providers can guide you through a variety of different trauma-release practices and exercises. Book a session with a certified doula or pelvic floor specialist to support you on your journey. If you’re seeking a licensed therapist, consider one of our partners: LunaJoy, Seven Starling, or Seleni Institute.

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