Storing Emotional Trauma in the Pelvic Floor - Ruth Health

Storing Emotional Trauma in the Pelvic Floor

Many people experience emotional trauma at some point in their lives. While we may think of trauma as a mental or emotional issue, it can also manifest physically in the body. One area where emotional trauma can be stored is the pelvic floor. In this blog post, we'll explore the connection between emotional trauma and pelvic floor function, as well as the symptoms and impacts of trauma stored in the pelvis.

Symptoms of trauma in the pelvic floor

When emotional trauma is stored in the pelvic floor, it can cause a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common include pelvic pain, urinary or bowel dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction. Other symptoms may include muscle tension or spasms, difficulty relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, challenges with bladder emptying, and pain during intercourse.

Impact of emotional and physical trauma on pelvic floor function

Emotional and physical trauma can both impact the healthy function of pelvic floor muscles. When we experience trauma, our bodies respond by tightening muscles to protect us, which can cause muscle tension and joint pain. This tension can be particularly problematic in the pelvic floor, as it can impact our ability to control bladder and bowel function, sexual function, and even daily structural function and support.

In addition to muscle tension, trauma can also impact the nervous system, which can lead to chronic pain and inflammation. This can make it even more difficult to relax the pelvic floor muscles and can exacerbate symptoms like pelvic, back and shoulder pain, and urinary and bowel dysfunction.

Impacts of trauma stored in the pelvis

When emotional and physical trauma are stored in the pelvis, it can impact many areas of our lives. For example, pain and dysfunction in the pelvis can make it difficult to engage in physical activity or enjoy sexual intimacy. It can impact our mental and emotional health, as chronic pain and dysfunction can be incredibly stressful and frustrating. This can also lead to feelings of shame and inadequacy. Having to live with chronic pain puts us in an avoidant mindset, which disconnects us from our body’s needs and therefore from ourselves.

In addition to these impacts, trauma stored in the pelvis can also affect our experience in childbirth. Dysfunctions in the pelvic floor can lead to challenges with the progression of labor, the inability for baby to move into deeper pelvic stations, and even a mind-body disconnect during the pushing phase. This disconnect can lead to a prolonged pushing phase, pushing stalls, and eventually larger interventions like C-section.

We’re here to help

It's important to seek help if you're experiencing symptoms of trauma in the pelvis, as there are treatments available that can help. If you're experiencing symptoms like pelvic pain, urinary dysfunction, or sexual dysfunction, it's possible that trauma stored in the pelvis may be the cause. By seeking help for pelvic floor therapy from a qualified healthcare provider, you can begin to address the underlying issues and find relief from your symptoms.

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