Priorities during postpartum recovery - Ruth Health

Priorities during postpartum recovery

One of my intentions this maternity leave period was to shift the focus off of moving for others and solely onto myself.

Now, this isn’t easy when you have a demanding little toddler who needs you 24/7, so for my 40th birthday, my family gifted me two nights alone at a hotel. I slept, I ate, and I did my pelvic floor exercises uninterrupted. It was an absolute gift to be able to do my sequences without hearing “mama!” from the other room.

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I’ve been back home for a few weeks now, and even though there’s definitely more demand for my attention, I still make the time for my Ruth Health sessions—MY time—a priority, and it’s been heavenly.

Maternal health has never been more important than the time pre and post-birth and I’m super grateful to Ruth Health for supporting me through this!!! I HIGHLY recommend it for any parent who is just about to or has just had a baby!

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