Reframing the postpartum bounce-back - Ruth Health

Reframing the postpartum bounce-back

I talked to my doctor about sometimes peeing my pants and low back pain issues after my baby (Bambino) was born, but she just told me that it was normal to experience this after birth and my body will eventually “bounce back.” 

Well, I knew better then, and I know better now.  You would think with a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy that I would know that my body may not just “bounce back.”  But mom-brain, postpartum insecurities, and putting my health on the back burner kept me from being proactive about my pelvic floor.

I recently connected with Ruth Health to get help with ongoing pelvic floor issues and WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?

Do you know how good it felt for someone to actually spend time listening to me about my health, particularly my pelvic health-related to giving birth to two kiddos? For someone to validate that my body could be working better? For someone to actually give me the tools to improve?

Thankfully Ruth Health has provided a program that works for my lifestyle.  With two toddlers and very limited child-free opportunities, it is hard for me to get out of the house for an appointment.  Especially for treatment that requires regular follow-ups, focus, and privacy. 

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So, I have met with a Pelvic Floor Specialist virtually, from my home and it’s the first step I needed to start putting my health first.  I never realized that the jaw pain, shoulder pain, and low back pain that I’ve been intermittently dealing with since my last pregnancy is tied to my pelvic floor dysfunction. 

Again, as a PT, you would think this would be obvious, but I’ve always found it hard to tease out musculoskeletal dysfunctions on myself.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to “reset” my body.  To discuss my intimate health with someone who I trust.  To be able to make appointments that fit my schedule.  To be able to complete sessions in my home.

Total side note… I actually cried during my first session with Ruth Health.  Kimberly, my pelvic floor specialist, was asking about life since my baby was born.  And it brought up a lot of emotional stuff that happened in the past few years: Bambino’s hospitalization, the pandemic, my gallbladder surgery, job changes… I could go on. 

But, I just want to note that it felt really good for someone who was treating my body, to ask about my mind.  The two go hand in hand, and rarely do health care providers discuss the correlation between the two.

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